A University & a Neighborhood

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A University & a Neighborhood

Curtis C. Roseman, Ruth Wallach, Dace Taube, Linda McCann, Geoffrey DeVerteuil, Claude Zachary


These pages tell a remarkable story.  The story not only traces the evolution and growth of USC side-by-side with the city of Los Angeles; it also offers to our view a remarkable, spirited procession.  This procession is composed of things intriguing and lovely to behold, of course – gorgeous buildings, tranquil parks, useful structures, quirky designs, efficient streets, classic homes.  But the procession is also composed of people, generations of civic-minded citizens who together created something entirely new here in this plucky city of aspiration and experiment.

This is a story not just of the University of Southern California.  It is an intricate mosaic depicting an interdependent community that has grown, and grown up, with one another, certainly with the occasional tumbles and bumps, but most often with the vigor and innovation that come from a healthy symbiotic relationship.  USC’s identity and destiny are intricately intertwined with those of our neighborhoods.

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Publication Date2006 ISBN: 9781932800203 Number of Pages 249
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